- Diplom/M.A. equivalent in Technical Translation (1993)
- Professional English>German Translator, Linguist, and Localization Consultant dedicated to carefully researched and idiomatic translations
- Specialization: Industry & Technology, Telecommunications, Automotive, Electronics, Medical Equipment, General Media, and Cosmetics as well as Equine Industry
- Experience as German Language Lead overseeing the localization of 2.5 million words in subtitles and voice-overs of documentaries, movies, and miscellaneous videos for yoga, self-help, personal transformation, and metaphysics
- Translation of personal documents for the German and Austrian Honorary Consulates in Denver
- ATA-Certified for Translations from English>German
- ATA Certification Exam Grader (English>German) since 2002
- ATA Certification Committee Chair 2006-2010
- ATA Certification – German Language Chair – current
- ATA Ethics Committee Member – current
- ATA Nominating Committee Member – 2004
- Assistant Administrator of the ATA German Language Division 2002-2006
- Regular Speaker at ATA Conferences
“Jutta is an excellent translator, esp. medical, who not only displays great expertise in the medical field, but also the conscientiousness required to deliver a perfect product. Time after time, she makes sure that the intent of the text at hand is fully understood and reflected in her translation. She is also a joy to work with whose sense of humor and team spirit have endeared her to all the project managers.“
Angèle Surault – Freelance French Translator and Translation Management Expert for the Market Research industry